Health Safety


Health plays a crucial role in any organization as it impacts our employees’ wellbeing, productivity, and overall performance. In BGC we focus on a healthy workforce to reduce absenteeism, increase employee satisfaction, and fosters a positive work environment.

Our employee well-being is essential in our Company as it fosters a sense of security and care for our employees leading to increased job satisfaction and morale.

Healthy staff means a safer workplace which eventually results in reducing medical expenses, insurance claims and worker compensation costs for the Company and improves outcomes for both our employees and the business, creating a better employee value proposition, and a caring work environment.

The health and safety of our staff and contractors are of utmost importance. BGC, like many organizations, takes the necessary steps to protect the health of our colleagues and introduce preventive measures at the workplace. BGC works in collaboration with the Iraqi Ministry of Health, Basrah Health Directorate and the Basrah Crisis Cell, and follows health mandates accordingly to ensure our staff and contractors adhere to approved health regulations.



In BGC, Safety is at the core of our operations – focusing on the Safety for our people, our assets, and the environment. Our objective is to support enhancing our Safety culture and our Goal Zero journey whereby our employees and contractors can go home safely to their families every day. Various tools and training are given to our employees to improve their knowledge on Safety and avoidable incidents, enhance skills and capabilities and encourage a mindset of intervention where necessary to help employees do the right thing. At BGC we aim at minimizing hazards and have a safe work environment.

Each year we celebrate Safety Day to emphasis on the importance of Safety which should be close to our minds and hearts in our daily activities and imbedded in our daily behaviors to enable us to build a stronger safety culture.
In 2021, BGC completed a whole year without tier-1 and tier-2 leaks – a testament of a strong Process Safety performance.

Road Safety: Driving in Iraq comes with considerable risk – Iraq is ranked the 7th country in the world for road traffic fatalities, and road safety risk is considered to be one of the highest risk exposures to our BGC staff. In BGC, road safety is managed through rigid controls and on drivers’ competencies, vehicle inspections and compliance with our Life Saving Rules (seatbelts, no speeding, no mobile phone, journey management plan and more).


Process safety means making sure our facilities are well designed, safely operated and properly maintained.

At BGC we have access to extensive process safety standards which focus upon how to design and maintain complex installations like refineries or oil and gas production sites.

A team of independent, senior internal experts – specialised in process safety – is in place at BGC to check that these standards are followed and implemented.


Occupational Health focuses on protecting the health, welfare BGC’s employees and contractors at the workplace, improving working conditions. We continue to raise awareness amongst employees to do the right thing, aiming to protecting them from hazards and ensure compliance with relevant legislation and company standards.

In BGC, we are also paying greater attention to first aid and medical emergency response as well as Fitness to Work, Health Risk Assessment and contractors’ health management. We also provide advice, information, training and education on occupational health and hygiene, as well as surveillance of workers’ health in relation to work.


The BGC Emergency Response Department takes a comprehensive, all hazards approach to ensuring the Company is ready to respond in the event of emergency incidents.

By applying world class emergency management principles and resources, BGC aims to ensure the company can provide a fully integrated response to any emergency situation.

We currently operate five Fire Stations across our operational area, which are staffed by more than 240 personnel. We also have a fleet of 11 vehicles assigned to 24/7 emergency response and five ambulances servicing three on-site medical centres.